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Cornerstone Activities and Classes

Besides the morning and evening worship services on Sunday, we have a number of educational and fellowship programs available for all ages. Below is a brief listing of such programs. Most of the classes meet from September through May. They typically begin and end with prayer and some include the singing of psalms and hymns.

This is not a complete list of classes and fellowship groups, but serves to give an idea of the kinds of programs available. Non-members are welcome and encouraged to participate in them. Times and days of the classes may vary.

Sunday Worship

We have 2 Sunday worship services, at 10 am and 5 pm (the afternoon service is NOT a repeat of the morning). Along with in-person worship, we stream our services online.

Sunday School

Children ages 4 to 7 are taught Bible stories and Christian songs in classes which meet after our Sunday morning worship service.

Small Groups

Small groups meet on various evenings to discuss the previous Sunday's sermons.

Children and young peoples' Bible knowledge classes

Using workbooks and study guides, the basic content of the Bible is taught in a series of classes. Meeting one night each week, students are 7 to 14 years old.

Catechism classes

Young people around age 14 begin attending this mid-week class in which the Heidelberg Catechism (one of our doctrinal standards) is studied. This involves memorization, some writing, and the study of Bible passages.

Ladies' Bible study

All ladies are welcome to study the book of Hebrews together. We have studies Wednesday morning at 10 a.m. (child care provided) and Tuesday evenings at 7:15 p.m.

Kid Disciples Club

For kids in grades 1 to 7. Meets last Friday of the month from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Come join us for fun, Bible devotions, crafts and games.

Pre-confession / Membership class

Those who wish to become members of the church by profession of faith are required to take a 20-week course which involves the study of our doctrinal standards and the meaning of church membership. The Pastor teaches this course.

Pre-marital counselling

Members of the church who are planning on marriage are required to study Christian marriage in a 4-week course taught by the Pastor.

Young Peoples' group

This group is for all Young People in Grade 9 or older. Visitors are always welcome.

Our group meets for Bible study the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month at the church. We study and discuss various topics relating to the Christian faith and life. Although we may use study guides or books our ultimate authority remains the Bible.

We try to host at least one social a month which may include such activities as a trip to archery or bowling lanes, wall climbing, all-nighters in the church or a variety of other activities. Each evening will conclude with a devotional centered on the gospel.

We participate in various fundraising activities, such as a dinner theatre, to raise money for a specific need. Many of us also attend retreats for United Reformed Church young people from all across Western Canada.

Prayer meeting

Come on Saturday mornings, 8 am, for a time of fellowship and prayer to bring our adoration, confession, thankgivings and needs to God, our heavenly Father, in Jesus Christ.